Where to Place a Generator (Information Tips)

Generators are a good thing to have at home or the workplace, but most people will wonder where to Place a Generator?

Where to Place a Generator?

Generators should be placed at least 20 feet from the house for safety reasons. Keep reading this post, to learn why you should keep this distance.

Where to Place a Generator (Information Tips)

Generators are important machines. They are designed to provide electrical power when the standard power supply is no longer operable.

All generators run off some type of power source. Some of them are battery operated and others take fuel.

Some generators even have their own independent powering source that is separate from the electrical grid.

Still, most generators need a power source to function.

While generators are useful devices, they do pose a few problems.

One of the major issues with generators is knowing where to place these units.

If a person doesn’t place their generator in the right place, they could end up harming themselves and other people.

The information presented here will explain the best places for setting up a generator.

Generator for Your House

When you use a generator for your home you must place the unit outside.

There are local laws that strictly enforce where generators can be placed when they are in use.

If your community or neighborhood does not have these ordinances in place, then you will need to place your unit outside.

Why would you place your generator outside instead of indoors?

The simple answer has to do with carbon monoxide poisoning.

Remember, a generator has an engine that runs off fuel.

This fuel is usually gasoline and it creates carbon emissions.

So, the unit must run outside if people within your house are to remain safe.

Battery-powered generators don’t pose the same problem.

However, these units do not supply more power over the long run.

Battery-powered generators can be used inside of the home. They are sometimes referred to as power stations.

If you are going to use a gas-powered generator for your home, it must be at least 20-feet away from your house.

It should be placed in a well-ventilated place. You can purchase a covering for your generator unit that will allow it to stay ventilated and operable within wet, cold, windy or snowy conditions. Learn more about generator covers here.

Using a Portable Generator with Extension Cords

When you use a portable gas generator, you must use heavy-duty extension cords to run into your home.

These extension cords should be indoor/outdoor types and they should have at least a 10-gauge design.

The thicker the gauge the more durable your cords will be against the elements and from being cut or torn apart.

You should run your cords through a window into your home and make sure they’re fastened at key points.

This will help to keep people from tripping over them or from them being damaged.

You should also thread your cords through your yard so they will be out of sight and not look like an eyesore.

Once again, battery-powered generators (power stations) don’t pose this type of problem. You can simply plug your electronics directly into the unit.

How far does your generator need to be from your window?

Remember that a gas generator needs to be at least 20-feet from your home.

So, it stands to reason that this length should be used as the distance between your generator and your window.

While you will run the power cords through a window opening, your unit still should be operated from a safe distance to avoid carbon poisoning.

Where to Put a Generator During a Storm

Gas generators should always be kept outside.

Even if there is a storm, they should never be used inside.

Don’t forget that you will need a covering to ensure they are protected. Keep the units outside away from your house.

You might have to make some adjustments to the area where you placed your unit.

This way, it can be furthered protected from wind, rain, hail, debris or potential flooding.

Some people build ventilated generator sheds for their units to protect them during a storm.

Generator in Garage with Door Open

You should not run a generator within a garage while the door is open.

It is true that the unit is being ventilated but the risk of escaping carbon monoxide gas seeping into your home is too high.

Once again, the best thing for you to do is to place the unit outside at least 20-feet away from your home in a special covering.

Running a Generator in a Detached Garage

You can run a generator from a detached garage.

generator placement

The key to running a generator within this type of place is to make sure that it is well ventilated.

The detached garage should be at least 15-feet from your home to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide gas finding its way into your house.

Once again, make sure your detached garage is well ventilated.

Otherwise, the carbon monoxide will build up in the unit and this could be deadly for you or someone else.

Generator on a Porch

Honestly, you should never operate a gas-powered generator on a porch.

Remember the carbon gas is what makes it dangerous.

If you operate your unit from your porch, the carbon monoxide has the opportunity to build up within your home at a rapid pace.

Where to Place a Generator (Information Tips)

To sum things up, do not operate your gas-powered generator from a porch.

Note: Read carefully the manual’s instructions of your generator and ask the help from an expert if you are not sure. You can find the most reputable generator brands’ manuals here.

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