How to Secure Generator from Theft?

How to Secure Generator from Theft?

How to Secure Generator from Theft? Anyone can get robbed of their expensive generator no matter how strong their security system is.

How to Secure Generator from Theft?

Blame it on the fact that modern generators are portable, making it easier for a thief to carry them away.

Please think of how much you’ve spent buying and maintaining your generator, and then someone steals it, leaving you devastated.

The only way to have peace of mind is by preventing generator thievery before it happens. Here’s how:

Materials or products required to secure generator from theft

You may need an advanced alarm system, security cameras, ample lighting, fencing materials, and heavy machinery to block access

How to secure your generator from theft (A step-by-step guide)

Step 1: set up the protections

From the first time your generator lands in your compound, don’t leave it outside before putting security measures.

Put an alarm or any security system you prefer, then place it out.

Step 2: place ample lighting throughout the space

Ample lighting is one of the best ways of ensuring thieves think twice about entering your compound to steal your possessions.

If you can get one with a security camera, go for it.

Step 3: fence it up

Most generators are noisy, so it’s only fair to store it outside after fencing it up. When it comes to fencing, go for more advanced options.

A metal grill can work just fine, but it’s much better if it also has an alarm that alerts you when someone goes near it, let alone touching it.

Step 4: put stumbling blocks to prevent easy access to it

Blocking access to your generator using heavy machinery can be a good delay tactic to thievery. It makes a thief think twice about stealing your generator because of the amount of work they’ll need to do.

Step 5: get rid of the wheels

Most modern generators come with wheels for easy transportation. The wheels also prevent the lower parts from corrosion. But remember, they also make it easier for a thief to wheel it out of your compound. The best way to prevent that is by removing the wheels.

Miscellaneous tips

  1. Drain the fuel from your generator when not in use
    Your generator isn’t the only item thieves are targeting. A thief can also steal fuel from your generator. Prevent that by emptying the tank when not in use.

How do I keep my generator from being stolen?

Generators cost a lot of money, and that is why you should be cautious about securing them. Portable generators are the ones at a higher risk of being stolen.

They are one of the most expensive things in a home and one of the easiest to steal. That is because most thieves go for outdoor items more than those kept indoors.

So how can you keep your generator from being stolen? Whether stationary or portable, you have to take the proper steps to ensure that your generator is safe.

We are going to discuss ways in which you can keep your generator from being stolen. Read through to the end so that you can get all the helpful information.

Do generators get stolen?

Yes, generators get stolen and even sometimes vandalized. Generators are very valuable and expensive, and that is why thieves target them.

They are easy to steal, and moving them does not lower their value. You can never be too safe because even large generators that are industrial can also get stolen.

If vandalism occurs, they will get damaged, and you will have to incur a significant loss to repair them. Ensure you keep your generator as safe as possible to safeguard it from vandalism and theft.

How do I protect my generator?

We will discuss some of the things you could do or some tips to help you protect your generator.

1. Use the right lock

The size of the lock will significantly depend on the size of the generator itself. Using a lock is one of the easiest ways to secure your generator. The best type of lock to use is a cable lock, as you can use it to attach the generator to anything.

2. Generator enclosure

If the generator is for home backup services, then you should put it in a generator enclosure. It is excellent for hiding the generator and can protect it from bad weather. Using an extra lock on the enclosure or an alarm will also be great in safeguarding it.

3. Set an alarm

If you have tried a lock, whether standard or cable and even an enclosure and thieves still stole your generator, then it’s time to get an alarm system. It on its own may not be enough, but it makes it harder for the thief. It will not scare the thief, but you will be notified if there is any tampering. That will give you time to reach there and scare the thieves away quickly.

How do I protect my outdoor generator?

The easiest way to protect your outdoor generator is by using a chain and lock.

Tie the generator to a tree, storage rack, and even your car when you don’t have anything else to attach to the chain.

Ensure that the chain is thick cut-proof as any other will be easily cut by thieves. Secure the chain using a padlock that is also strong enough not to be snipped by thieves.

You can also opt to use cables that have anti-cut alarms. They will help the generator not to be stolen as they will have security brackets.

The brackets are placed over the plastic handles so that you can run chains through them without any hustle.

Where is the safest place to put a generator?

No place determined thieves won’t reach, but some areas will give them a hard time and even make them give up. Get an enclosure that is steady and hard to break into so that the generator can be safe.

As for your safety, the generator should be as far from the house as possible as it releases gases that can be harmful to you.

To protect it from the weather, ensure that the top of the enclosure and even sides are made of materials that can keep the generator dry at all times.

Article title: Protecting Your Generator: What to Look For When Buying a Security Case

Best Security case for generator

What should you look for when choosing the best security case for your generator?

This decision will, of course, depend on the type and size of the generator you own. Buying a generator is about thinking ahead and being ready for the unexpected.

The last thing you want is to find your machine has “walked off” in the hands of thieves or has been compromised by the weather or other environmental factors.

Choosing the proper security case can make the difference and keep you prepared. We recommend taking additional steps to ensure you can identify your generator. Make a note of your serial number to keep with your manual and other pertinent paperwork.

Write your name or contact information on your generator and document its placement on your property with photographs. It is important to remember always to run a gas generator outdoors. Never run a generator exposed to rain because of the risk of electric shock.

In some circumstances, a suitable canopy or security case can keep your outdoor generator operational in inclement weather.

When choosing a case for your generator, the first step is to ensure the dimensions will be a good fit. Universal sizes are available and typically offer some protection against the elements. Some manufacturers also sell appropriate cases that fit their products.

Next, consider how frequently you intend to move your generator if you have purchased a portable one and whether you will be running the generator while it is in the case. If running in the case, ensure the case is suitable for this purpose with proper ventilation for heat dispersal.

If you store your generator, then a watertight case with a locking mechanism, alarm, and any additional security features you find suitable to your situation should be sufficient.

Several cases offer protection from the elements in addition to noise reduction and built-in alarm functions, and their prices vary.

How to Secure Generator from Theft?

Whichever security case you ultimately choose, you will be able to rest more easily, knowing you and your family have prepared.


Buying a generator is just the first step; you have to ensure that you keep it safe from bad weather and thieves.

Ensure that the generator is far from the house too so that you and your family don’t get CO poisoning. Some insure their generators so that they can get compensation if they get vandalized or get stolen.

Whether you spent an arm and leg on buying your generator or got it as a gift, guarding it with your life can make you enjoy its value for money and avoiding pesky thefts.

No one deserves to lose such a prized possession that simplifies life. Once you get the basics covered, intruders won’t get motivated to take it away from you.

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