Accessories for Portable Generators Overview
Portable generators are essential nowadays, they are handy, especially when you are traveling to areas where there’s no electrify supply.
Together with the generator, we have other accessories then you must have if you want to have undisturbed experience using a portable generator.
Without these accessories, your portable generator will not serve its primary purpose if being a backup power supply. Below are top 10 accessories for portal generator
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1. Transfer switch
This is an essential accessory for a portable generator. It is an electrical switch that is used to transfer the load between the main utility power and the generator whenever there’s a power outage.
It is usually connected to an electrical panel. Whenever there is a power outage, the portable generator carries the load and transfers the load back it the primal supply.
We have two types if transfer switch, the first one it Manual transfer switch, and the send type is an automatic transfer switch.
2. Extension cords
Extension cords are used to transfer electricity from the get. They ensure theirs is the proper power delivery.
It is essential to invest in these extension cords. Makes sure you get heavy-duty ones for efficient transfer of electricity.
You can use the amps rates to choose a quality extension cord that will support all your electrical appliances.
The power cord should correspond to the specification of the amp on your generator outlet. The cord should be long enough for convenience.
3. Muffler
Another essential accessory you must-have for your portable generator is a muffler for reducing noise when in operation.
Some generators have mufflers already installed for quiet operation while others will require you to put them manually,
in some cases the already installed mufflers may not be in a position to reduce the noise the required levels in some places like camping sites, that’s why it is essential to have a muffler to help reduce noise to the required levels.
4. Voltage regulator
An automatic voltage regulator is essential for regulating the amount of voltage from your generator; this is important if you have very sensitive appliances.
5. Fuel stabilizer
If you want to store food the generator with oil for some time, fuel stabilizer is used to keep the fuel fresh and prevents the formation of gum.
6. Maintenance kit
A maintenance kit is crucial as it helps in case your generator develops any problems. Learn more about the maintenance kit here.
7. Wheel kit
A generator that lacks wheels makes it extremely difficult to move it from one place to another.
A wheel kit is essential in case your generator wheels develop problems.
8. Cold weather kit
If you are going in a cold area, you must carry with you a cold-weather kit that includes a battery warmer and oil heater.
9. Generator cover
This is important for covering your generator against extreme weather conditions. A good generator cover must be weatherproof.
10. A remote start
A remote start is another accessory you must have.
It is essential in those situations when you want to start a generator without necessarily walking to its location.
Check out top accessories for portable generators on AmazonThese are the top 10 accessories you have to get for your portable generator.

Best Accessories For Portable Generators
The transfer switch is one of the most important accessories for portable generators. With this device, you can connect your portable generator to large appliances or the house grid without the need for extra equipment. When purchasing a transfer switch, it is essential to do your research to determine the type and wattage needed. There are also two types of transfer switches: manual and automatic. The manual switch is the best choice if you plan to use your generator only during dry, cold weather.
Manual transfer switches don’t automatically change the electricity source, so you’ll have to flip a switch every time you experience a power outage. While manual transfer switches aren’t necessary, they’re a helpful accessory for portable generators, especially those that have high-wattage output. These are super quiet and efficient. You can also buy a transfer switch kit for your portable generator, which will prevent it from corroding or turning to gum.
A manual transfer switch is an excellent option for portable generators, because it will automatically change the source of electricity whenever a power outage occurs. However, this kind of transfer switch is not automatic and you’ll have to flip it during a power outage to make the generator work. A manual transfer switch is also highly recommended for a portable generator, as it makes the machine much easier to operate. Moreover, manual transfer switches are more reliable and durable than their automatic counterparts.